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November 01-02, 2019

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 Welcome to LOWVELO's volunteer headquarters!

 Thanks for being here  — we cannot do this without you!

There are many ways to get involved with LOWVELO, an outdoor bike ride held Nov. 1 – 2 around the Lowcountry in Charleston, S.C.  And with every rider-raised dollar funding cancer research at MUSC Hollings Cancer Center, you can feel good about lending LOWVELO a hand. 

This bike ride, which features three routes, requires a team of dedicated and passionate volunteers. Given we need more than 500 volunteers, we have just the spot for you to make a difference and help us accomplish our mission. Mark your calendars and sign up for a volunteer role now to help make this a successful inaugural event and reach our ultimate goal of eradicating cancer.


LOWVELO's Volunteer Orientation will be held on October 30, 2019 at 7pm.  It will last approximately 1 hour.

The location will be at Baker & Brewer in downtown Charleston. Please save the date on your calendars.


Once again, we thank you for sharing your time with us.